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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods

Volume 14, Number 3 – September 2012

We Are a Welcoming Congregation


Upcoming Services

September 9 - 10 am Rev. Erv Teichmiller “The Social Contract”

September 23 - 10 am Rev. Phil Sweet “The Art of Heresy”

October 7 - 10 am Rev. Dr. Bobbie Groth

October 21 - 10 am Joanne Boyer “The Importance of Telling Stories”


September 9 - Following service Potluck at Fellowship

September 18 - 5 pm Community Table at St. Matthias, NUUF is serving

September 23 - Hike after service

September 23 - NATH Dinner at Frederick Place in Rhinelander

October 20 - 8 am to noon Food for Kidz. Two two-hour bagging shifts.

Adult R.E.

September 16 - 10 am 

September 30 - 10 am


A Note from the President

Summer is fading and Fall is peeking around the corner. It is hard to believe that it is already September. The fellowship grounds are looking more spiffy than ever. We owe a big thanks to all who worked so hard on the planning, planting and watering. It was a tremendous undertaking that will be appreciated for many years to come.

It is once again that time of year when some of our fellowship are starting to plan for their trip back to their winter homes. We wish you a safe journey and a healthy and happy winter season. We will be having a potluck following the service on September 9th to help us all gather together one more time before your journey begins. We hope to see everyone there. —Laurie Figueroa


Please Come to Dinner on September 18

Three times each year, NUUF participates in the community dinner at St. Matthias Church in downtown Minocqua. The Fellowship is counted on to bring 10 dishes (main or side) and 2 desserts. If you aren’t available on the 18th, we welcome cash donations to purchase entrees. Volunteers and dishes arrive at St. Matthias around 4:30 pm. Serving begins promptly at 5:00, and clean-up is done by 6:30. Keep in mind that the Community Table is intended to be a time for ecumenical social interaction, so if you can come to eat, that is great. You would be very welcome!

Contact Pat Bickner 715-356-9130 email bickner@gmx.com.


Summer’s End Potluck

Come one, come all: Summer’s End Potluck after Sunday September 9th Service, please bring a favorite dish of food and beverage of choice.


Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

Each of us has a path to travel, and rarely is it without curves, hills, obstacles, and crossroads. Often, stumbling blocks and diversions have appeared through miscommunication with fellow travelers. What if, instead, everyone could find a place of true connection with others, and create the synergy needed to smooth the road stretching out before our eyes?

If you have ever regretted the outcome of a conversation, and/or wish you could change the feelings you have about it, please join us after Coffee Hour on September 9, when Andrea will share her story about her recent conversion to the study of Compassionate Communication (AKA Nonviolent Communication). If there is enough interest, we will begin meeting regularly in a workshop study series, using the book Nonviolent Communcation: A Way of Life, by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D..


Calling all hikers

Anyone interested in a Sunday after-service walk in the forest September 23?

Oh, where to go? 1.) Giant White Pine trail, where there are several giant 400-year-old white pines deep in the Nicolet Forest and also two short trails at Scott and Shelp Lakes (old growth Hemlocks). These trails are about five miles east of Three Lakes; OR 2) The outstanding Tramper’s Trial near Star Lake (closer to NUUF); OR 3) Lake of the Clouds in the Porkies. Any other suggestions?

Contact Gary at garstep@gmail.com or call 1-239-450-1394.


Please Help with a Meal at NATH

We need volunteers to serve September and months ahead.

August’s meal was “breakfast for dinner” and it was well received. We had whole-grain waffles, blueberry sauce, cranberry breakfast sausages, scrambled eggs with bacon, orange juice and milk. The second meal was chicken wild rice soup, corn muffins, relish tray, cheese/sausage plate with brownies and zucchini crisp for dessert. Milk was provided as the beverage.

We received many compliments and thanks to NUUF for the wonderful meals and company at dinner. Thanks to all who donated goods and time towards this effort. We are scheduled for Sunday, September 23. We provide the evening meal and a meal to be reheated for the next evening. We are in need of volunteers to shop, prepare and serve the food. The time commitment is about three hours at Frederick Place in Rhinelander. Please contact Jana Mirs or Laurie Figueroa if you would be able to help out.


UU College of Social Justice

Last month at the 2012 Justice General Assembly in Phoenix saw the launch of the UU College of Social Justice (UUCSJ). A joint program of the UUA and UUSC, this collaboration offers a new way to live our faith in the world. In the coming year, the college is offering service-learning trips to New Orleans, Haiti, India, Mexico, and Guatemala:

Immigration justice: Travel to the southwest United States and the borderlands of Mexico to learn firsthand about the complex struggles of the immigrant community. This journey will help you engage your congregation in immigration justice in your own community. Trips: February and May 2013.

Beyond the earthquake in Haiti: Thousands of UUs supported Haiti after the earthquake, and rebuilding continues today. Work with our Haitian partners to build innovative eco-villages and learn how you and your congregation can continue this important work. Trips: January, March, and May 2013.

Economic justice in India: The UU Holdeen India Program works with Indian partners on economic justice, focusing on women and girls. Explore this vital work and how it can inspire new congregational initiatives for economic justice here at home. Trip: November 26–December 5, 2012

Education in Guatemala: UUCSJ is partnering with the Sienna Project to build schools in rural Guatemala and supporting the rights of Mayan people — join us for a week of hands-on work! Trip: February 15–23, 2013.

New Orleans equitable recovery: Six years after Hurricane Katrina, the rebuilding of New Orleans continues. UUCSJ offers you several opportunities to live, work, and learn in New Orleans for an unforgettable week. Trips: February, April, and July 2013.

Please visit the website for details on these and other UUCSJ programs — and register for a trip today. —Information from Rev. Kathleen McTigue, Director, Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice


Standing on the Side of Love

The Thirty Days of Love are fast approaching: Saturday, January 19 through Sunday February 17, 2013. We are looking for somebody to lay out a plan and coordinate events for our fellowship. Time commitment is very much linked to what the event plans are. If you are interested or need more information, please contact Laurie Figueroa.


Warm for Winter

Warm for Winter will begin this season on Saturday, September 29. Warm coats, hats, boots, -mittens and -bedding will be available for families in need at the Friendly Village in Rhinelander. The greatest need is for bedding, children’s clothes, shoes, boots and especially jeans.

Please bring contributions to the -fellowship. We will be taking donations all year long to restock the supplies. Any questions please contact Laurie Figueroa at 715-439-0600 or lauriefigueroa2002@yahoo.com.


Food for Kidz October 20

On Saturday, October 20, the Lakeland community will team up with the non-profit organization “Food For Kidz” to package meals for hungry children in the United States and around the world. This year the world has seen many natural disasters and conflicts that have put children at risk. Hunger continues to be a huge problem around the globe. In the past four years the Lakeland community has packaged over 464,000 meals. Our goal this year is 150,000 meals at a cost of approximately 15 cents per meal or a total of $22,500.

The fellowship has included in its current budget $500 to sponsor a table at this event. In addition to the Fellowship contribution, we are hoping that individual members will consider making a contribution for this important work. Some of you may recall that NUUF, under the direction of Audrey Williams, was responsible for bringing the very first packaging event to the Lakeland area five years ago. The plan from the start was to make this a community event and it deserves all the support we can give it. Please make your checks payable to Food For Kidz and bring them to the fellowship on September 9 or 23.

We need volunteers for Saturday, October 20, at Lakeland Union High School. Schedule options are 8 to 10 and 10 to noon. You can sign up for one or both. We will have a table at the fellowship on September 9 and 23 to sign up. There are jobs for people of any age and ability. Snacks and music will keep the crews working at a swift pace.


Building and Grounds

Our building and grounds have never looked better. Thanks to Ella, Teress, Gary, Cathy, Candace, Tim, Kim and Sean for the work they have done. Sorry if I missed mentioning someone.

We haven’t had a work day because everything has just been getting taken care of. Our septic system checked out perfect, our furnaces have been checked and are all set for winter, our fire extinguishers have been recharged, we have a new water line for watering, eaves have been cleaned, grass has been cut. Three projects need to be done–window washing, cleaning out unwanted items in the first floor under the sanctuary, and removal of some dead trees. Let me know if you would like to work on any of these projects. —Thanks, Corrine “Terri” Hoyt, Chair, Building and Grounds Committee.


Floral Arrangements

If you are willing to contribute floral arrangements for a service, please contact Jana Mirs (at 715-356-4746, or janamirs@frontier.com) to reserve the Sunday of your choice now!

The Care Committee

Joan Hauer 715-356-6540, Paul Braunstein 715-356-2428, Barb Bratcher 715-356-6110, Mary Ann Fields 715-385-2975, Candice Zahn Cain, Jim Williams, Barb and Dwight Logan, Jan Reed, cereed@centurytel.net; Pam Thul-Immler


When You Shop at Trig’s, Drop Your Receipt  


Trig’s Food and Drug helps our Fellowship earn money with its “Trig’s Supports Local Churches and Schools” Program. Three times a year receipt totals are tabulated and 1% of the total for our Fellowship is returned to us by check. You must record our number (27B in Minocqua; 35B in Rhinelander) on your register receipt before depositing it in the “barometer” at the exit door. Check the list on the box for the correct number if you shop at a different store.


Committee Rosters

BOARD of DIRECTORS (2012-2013)

   President            Laurie Figueroa (2012-2014)

   Secretary            Diane Reupert (2011-2013)

   Treasurer            Terry Hoyt (2011-2013)

   Directors at Large            Barb Logan (2012-2014

                                           Eileen Goggins Schultz (2011-2013)



Finance Committee Bob Hanson (Chair), Terry Hoyt, Treasurer, Alan VanRaalte, Terri Hoyt, Eileen Schultz, John Viste, and Jan Anderson.

Spirituality (Program) Committee arranges and facilitates Sunday program-ming. Joan Hauer (Chair), Paul Braunstein, Terry Hoyt, Alan VanRaalte, Sharon VanRaalte, John Viste, Elaine Strite, and Tom Sommerfeld.

Religious Education Committee is responsible for children’s RE during services and the adult RE program on alternate Sundays. Barb Logan, Terry Hoyt.

Membership Committee welcomes newcomers and visitors, provides new member orientation, and updates the membership and friends lists. Cheryl Hanson (Chair), Candy Sorensen, Joan Hauer, Patty Buehler, and Jerry Buerer.

Social Justice Committee promotes community action on social issues and encourages social action at local, state, national and international levels. Diane Reupert, Barb Logan, Dwight Logan, Terry Hoyt, Richard Uspel, and Connie Lefebvre.

Nomination Committee is responsible for finding candidates for Board and certain committee positions at the following year’s meeting. Terri Hoyt, John Viste, and Sharon VanRaalte.



Endowment Funds Committee makes recommendations for expenditure of endowment funds. Elected members: Barb Bratcher, (2014), Kay Hoff (2013), chair, and Sherry Zoars (2015).

Investment Committee is responsible for the safekeeping, investment and reinvestment of all endowment funds. Terry Hoyt (Treasurer), Bob Hanson (Finance Committee Chair), Randy Wendt (2014), Jerry Woolpy (2013), vacant (2015).

Memorial Garden Committee is responsible for maintenance of the Memorial Garden. Teress Toigo (2013), Judi Maloney (2015), and Candace Zahn Cain (2014).



Building and Grounds Committee oversees the basic upkeep and repair of the fellowship building and property. Terri Hoyt, Chair, Frank Patin, Terry Hoyt, Ella Toigo, and Eileen Schultz.

Care Committee provides support and comfort to members and friends during times of bereavement, illness or disability. Joan Hauer, Chair, Barb Bratcher, Paul Braunstein, Pam Thul-Immler, Jan Reed, Dwight Logan, Barb Logan, and Jim Williams.

Hospitality Committee is responsible for coffee hour and potlucks. Social Activity Committee, sub-committee of the Hospitality Committee, arranges social events for the membership. Mary Ann Fields (Chair), Janice Reed, Suzy Foster, Laurie Figueroa, and Stephanie Perkins.

Publicity Committee produces the newsletter, disseminates news and announcements, handles publicity, advertising, and maintains the website. Pat Bickner, (Chair), Candy Sorensen, Cheryl Hanson, and Iris Linder.

Aesthetics and Gifts Committee oversees decorating of the public areas of the building and gifts donated for that purpose. Eileen Schultz (Chair), Celeste Gonder, Laurie Figueroa, and Jana Mirs.

Music Committee is responsible for music at services. Tom Sommerfeld (Chair), Patty Buehler, Bob Hanson, and Joyce Barnes.





Sherry Zoars


Tim Kratz


Jonathon Beutler


Ruth Erbs


Rev. Sydney Morris


MacKenzie Reupert


Mollie West


Eileen Schultz


Greg & Dawn Holt


Pam Thul-Immler & Rick Immler


Erick Boustead


Betty Frisbie


Tim Muench and Trish Kirk


Jim & Audrey Williams


Betsy Schussler & Rick Foral


Eileen & Thomas Schultz


Rick Wambach


Jean Polfus


Avery Koblings


Barbara and Dwight Logan


Mel Hoff


Greg Holt


Tim Muench


Irma Braunstein


Tara Reed & Jerry Woolpy


Charmaine Winters


Ethan Sites


Myrle Wasko and Dawn McCusker



Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

P.O. Box 1881
Woodruff, WI 54568-1881



Laurie Figueroa, President

The NUUSLetter is published monthly.

Next Deadline: September 27, 2012 Please send submissions to Pat Bickner. Please put “NUUSletter” in the subject line.

For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com.vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv