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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods

Volume 15, Number 4 – October 2013


We Are a Welcoming Congregation


Upcoming Services

Services are on alternate Sundays at 10 AM

October 6: Rev. Dr. Bobbie Groth Hallowed Be Thy Curse: The Fine Art of Damning Bobbie will discuss just that and its relationship to Universalist principals. 

October 20: Care Committee Preparing for Aging: Embracing End-Of-Life and Bereavement, presented by Deb Van Swol, Ministry Hospice Chaplain. There will be a lunch after the service, followed by three hour-long workshops to choose from. See details below.


Adult R.E.: Adult RE is on alternate Sundays at 10 AM. We are studying "Why Evil Exists"

October 13: Dostoevsky—The Demonic in Modernity Conrad—Incomprehensible Terror

October 27: Freud—The Death Drive and the Inexplicable Camus—The Challenge to Take Evil Seriously

November 10: Post–WWII Protestant Theology on Evil Post–WWII Roman Catholic Theology on Evil


October 2 at 7:00 P.M. Program Committee

October 3 at 10:00 A.M. Investment Committee

 October 13 at 3:00 P.M. Party for Erick Boustead (Candace Zahn Cain’s son) and his new wife. RSVP Candace> czcain@frontier.com

 October 23 at 1:00 P.M. Social Justice Committee

 October 23 at 2:30 P.M. NUUF Board Meeting

 Book Group:

  • Rich Uspel will be tapping shoulders to ask, in a friendly way, "What are your ideas for the book group this winter?" New book group members are always welcome. For more information, contact Rich Uspel> uspelr55@yahoo.com or 715-282-5916.
  • Behind the Kitchen Door has been chosen as the UUA Common Read. Organize a book group or activist training to help us support workers’ rights across the country and build momentum toward the passage of the Fair Minimum Wage Act. This is an exciting time for the Choose Compassionate Consumption campaign, and we are looking for volunteers to help reach out to UUs across the country to get them involved. Can you help? Please contact Kara Smith at mobilization@uusc.org if you can lend a hand — you’ll be asked to contact folks who have been active in the campaign to ask them to be group leaders and, if they want to, be trained in using a UUSC tool kit. (And remember Justice Sunday 2013 has comprehensive resources that fit well with Behind the Kitchen Door activities!)

Sunday, October 20, Service Information: The Care Committee will be presenting the service as well as a catered lunch and one workshop-breakout session after lunch. Our topic will be Embracing End-Of-Life and Bereavement.

The service speaker will be Deb Van Swol, Ministry Hospice Chaplain. She works with people of all faith traditions and beliefs in the context of this topic. Lunch will follow immediately with a lunchtime presentation by the Memorial Garden Committee.

Three breakout sessions will start at 12:15 with plans to finish by 1:15 PM. Fellowship members will be able to choose one session:

  1. How to prepare documents outlining advanced directives/power of attorney for healthcare
  2. Advanced funeral planning, funeral options and costs and
  3. How to prepare and organize healthcare and other documents as we age.

Social Justice Committee has prepared a questionnaire about our Social Justice interests and activities. If you did not receive an email copy, there are paper copies available at NUUF. Please return your completed questionnaire to Diane Reupert or any member of the committee.

Building and Grounds Committee: Much of the work around the Fellowship goes on silently. Much of the beautiful landscaping has been tended to by the Memorial Garden Committee and friends. Gary Pajonk has taken care of the lawn and lawn mowing. Now he’s back in Florida so no more growing grass. Walt Jones has taken down numerous dead trees that were a potential hazard. The fire extinguishers have been recharged. Furnace filters have been replaced. We have a new copy machine in the office. We continue to work on being a “Green Sanctuary”. No plastics, no harsh chemicals and minimal waste. We have converted to Seventh Generation toilet paper. Our windows were washed inside and out by professional window cleaners. If you have any suggestions don’t hesitate to let Terry Hoyt know. And anyone who sees something that needs to be done, don’t hesitate to do it even if you are not on the committee. And yes, Highway Cleanup was completed September 28th. Thank you to Andrea Billings and her husband, Dennis Kobes, Barbara Beutler and her fiancé, Brian Kemp, Pat Bickner and her daughter, Iris Linder, and son, Guthrie Linder, Kimberly Norris and her friend, Cole Chapman, and Connie Lefebvre and Terry Hoyt.


Cheryl Hanson 10-03

Eileen & Thomas Schultz 10-04

Rick Wambach 10-07

Marti & Jim Hall 10-08

Jean Polfus 10-10

Avery Koblings 10-13

Barbara and Dwight Logan 10-14

Mel Hoff 10-19

Greg Holt 10-23

Tim Muench 10-24

Tara Reed & Jerry Woolpy 10-25

Charmaine Winters 10-26

Ethan Sites 10-26

Myrle Wasko and Dawn McCusker 10-31



Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

P.O. Box 1881

Woodruff, WI 54568-1881


John Viste, President


The NUUSLetter is published monthly. Newsletter Deadline: October 27. Please send submissions to Elinore Sommerfeld at esommerf@aol.com.

For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com.