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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods

Volume 18, Number 4 – October 2016
We Are a Welcoming Congregation

Regular Services : 10am
10/02 Rev Erv Teichmiller . The Call
10/16 Rev Bobbie Groth . This Still, Small Voice
ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Adult RE meets at 10:00 AM on alternate Sundays from our regular service
10/09    1) Muhammad, Qur’an, and Islamic Civilization
               2) Unity in Islam . The Five Pillars
10/23    1) Forms of Islam . Diversity among Muslims
               2) Jains, Sikhs, and Baja’s
Board of Directors Meeting
Official Minutes 09/23/16
The meeting was called to order at 9:59am
Present: Bob Hanson, Terry Hoyt, Virginia Metzdorf, Ted Rulseh, Candace ZahnCain.
President’s Report. Stephanie Perkins has resigned as chair of the Hospitality Committee. The committee members will select a successor.
Treasurer’s report.  The report will be delivered to board members by email.
Building Use Requests.  ZahnCain requested use for the Fellowship for Saturday, Oct. 8, at 5pm, for a farewell party for Sommerfelds. Motion by Rulseh, second by ZahnCain, to approve the request. Motion carried.
Fellowship Retreat.  Date for the Fellowship Retreat has been changed to Saturday, Dec. 10. Lunch will be provided by the Hospitality Committee.
Interfaith Group Meeting. Nancy Junkerman and ZahnCain are part of the area Interfaith Group. The Wisconsin Council of Churches has developed an interfaith curriculum. ZahnCain suggested reviewing the curriculum for possible future use.
The next board meeting was set for Friday, January 20, 10am, at the Fellowship.
Meeting adjourned at 10:33am
Respectfully submitted by Ted Rulseh, Board Secretary

UU Highway Clean-up : Saturday, October 1 at 10am . Hi all, This is a reminder for the UU fall cleanup of Hwy 47. Meet at the north corner of Hwy 47 and Cty F.  I know everyone is pretty busy, but the more people we have, the shorter time it takes to do. Thanks.  Any questions, call Connie Lefebvre at 715-358-2470.   Hope to see you there!
Sommerfeld’s Farewell Pot Luck : Saturday October 8, 5pm . Please join us at the Fellowship for a farewell potluck for the Sommerfelds. Please bring a dish to pass and your beverage of choice. Coffee provided.
BUILDING YOUR OWN THEOLOGY : Tuesday, October 18 at 10am to noon . This is the first of a series of meetings at the fellowship building. Pam Thul Immler, MaryBeth OHalloran and Candace ZahnCain will be exploring the UU program Building Your Own Theology. We will meet the 1st and 3rd Tues of the month.  Please contact Candace is you are interested in joining us czcain62@gmail.com
Men's Discussion Group : Tuesday October 18 at 6pm . Pot luck plus discussion on topic proposed by Frank Paton. Bring a dish to pass plus a beverage of your choice. All are welcome, including new members. (3rd Tuesday of each month)
Lakeland Food Pantry : Tuesday, October 25 , 8am – 11:30 . We have one last time this year for providing volunteers at the Lakeland Food Pantry. Anyone who can help out, please call Connie Lefebvre 715-358-2470 or let me know at service.
Women's Discussion Group : Tuesday October 25 at 10am (4th Tuesday of each month)
Monthly Movie Night . Movie nights at the Fellowship are generally on the third Thursday of the month. Watch for email announcement for October.
If your Birthday or Anniversary is missing, or if you see something that needs correcting, please contact Candy. Thank you.
Cheryl Hanson                                   10-03
Eileen & Thomas Schultz                   10-04
Rick Wambach                                   10-07
Marti & Jim Hall                                 10-08
Jean Polfus                                         10-10
Avery Koblings                                    10-13
Barbara and Dwight Logan                10-14
Mel Hoff                                             10-19
Greg Holt                                            10-23
Tim Muench                                       10-24
Tara Reed & Jerry Woolpy                 10-25
Charmaine Winters                            10-26
Ethan Sites                                          10-26
Myrle Wasko and Dawn McCusker    10-31

WXPR Silent and Live Auction : Sunday, November 6 at 2pm . At Holiday Acres in Rhinelander with complimentary food and wine… Admission for WXPR Members is $20 . For non-members $25. Emphasis is on experiences and event tickets, as well as art objects.
Tara and Jerry Woolpy Concert : Saturday, October 1 at 7pm . Mark Dvorak will be back at Tara and Jerry's for a concert
Guitar lessons the following day (Sunday)
·       Beginning Guitar Workshop, 1pm
·       Acoustic Guitar Styles Workshop at 4pm.
For reservations email jerryw@earlham.edu
Upcoming Tara and Jerry Woolpy Concert : Saturday November 20 at 7pm . Karen Savoca returns with husband Pete's guitar. Karen's voice provide a soothing yet exciting sound. Her songs are filled with good humor, sensuality, and nature's simple pleasures.  For reservations email jerryw@earlham.edu.
Fair Trade Products At Coffee Hour : Sunday, October 16
Fair Trade coffee, chocolate, and olive oil will be available for sale. You may also place an order for November delivery just in time for the holidays. All products are organic, fair trade, and sourced from small farmer cooperatives. Your purchase benefits the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and NUUF.
I am humbled to follow Sharon Reilly’s role as coordinator of the NUUF Newsletter.  As she puts her strength and good nature into the next season of her life, I hope it is helpful for her to have one less obligation to tinker with. You go Sharon!
October 1 and 2 is a busy week-end. The highway clean-up, Tara and Jerry’s concert including the offer for guitar lessons by Mark Dvorak, and Sunday morning’s service information are all right on top of us. I will be sending this out today, Oct 1 with an apology for not sending it earlier.
Publishing this communication board for our fellowship depends entirely on you. Please send your updates and announcements to me at cm@newnorth.net before the 25th of each month. Also, please enter your piece in the body of your email so I can highlight, copy, and paste into the body of the newsletter. And as always, please take time to write it out with your own words so it’s easy to be read by everybody.
As a friendly reminder, if you know someone who is interested in joining the Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, please contact Candy Sorensen at: sorencan@yahoo.com or call 715-892-2997.
For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com or Robert Hanson, President, president@nuuf.com
"Like" us - Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship - on Facebook (Our page link is https://www.facebook.com/groups/135173523266925/?ref=br_tf). We're posting pictures, reminders about upcoming events and more.
Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
P.O. Box 1881, Woodruff, WI 54568-1881