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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods


Volume 18, Number 12 – June 2017

We are a Welcoming Congregation


Sunday mornings at 10 am 

June 11: Betsy Schussler

June 25: Jerry Buerer

July 9: Laura Erickson

July 23: Richard Olson

August 6: Rev. Erv Teichmiller

August 20: February Sky

September 3: John Bates

September 17: Ted Rulseh

October 1: Mary Beth O’Halloran

October 15: Richard Olson

October 29: Rev. Erv Teichmiller

November 12: Rev. Jennifer LaPorte

November 26: Rev. Denise Tracy   


ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sunday mornings at 10 am, alternating with our regular Sunday services The next two presentations are on June 7 and June 18. Everyone is invited to join us to review and discuss the Great Books series, “How Jesus Became God.” The series explores the early Christians’ claim that Jesus of Nazareth was God and how that assertion changed the course of Western civilization. 



Men's Discussion Group meets on Tuesday, June 13 at 6:00 pm at the Fellowship


All are invited to attend the informative discussion preceded by a potluck dinner.  Frank Patin will provide the topic.  Ed Stoever will bring ribs and others should bring a sides dish and a beverage of choice. 

Women's Discussion Group meets on Tuesday, June 27 at 10:00 at am at the Fellowship

All are welcome to join the sharing circle. The topic for discussion will be "Books made into Movies" Those who wish can join us for lunch afterward. Please contact Mary Ann Fields 715 385 2975 for more information.



Heather Innes on June 10 at 6:00 pm    

Usually with her Celtic group Caim, Heather will do one of her first solo gigs among some of her most appreciative friends here in the Northwoods. She’ll do songs with bodhran, a capella voice, story, and a few poems.


  • Susan, John & the Nicholson Family: Saturday, July 15 at 4:00 pm On the Dock
  • LilRev: Saturday, September 16 at 6:00 pm
  • Karen Savoca & Pete Heitzman: Sunday, October 8 at 6:00 pm
  • Wade Fernandez & family: Saturday, December 9 at 6:00 pm

Email jerryw@earlham.edu for reservations, including the number in your party. Directions from Paul Bunyan’s on 51 in Minocqua: Take Old Highway 70 west one mile to Dr. Pink on the left. Take Dr. Pink 0.8 mile south to Woolpy Dr on the right. Take Woolpy Dr 0.3 mile to the end at 8395.

Call (715) 356-6276 if you get lost.





Lynn Deinard 06-03

Ethan Cummings & Jessica Rosenberg 06-07

Richard Thieret & Wenda Sheard 06-16

Stephanie Perkins 06-18

Celeste and Mike Gonder 06-21

Lynn and David Deinard 06-21

Sue Ferguson 06-23

Faye and Lee Calvey 06-24

Betsy Schussler 06-28

Alan VanRaalte 06-28

Barbara Bratcher 06-30

Is your Birthday or Anniversary missing? Or do you see a mistake that can be corrected? If so, please contact Candy Sorensen at (715) 892-2997 or sorencan@yahoo.com Thanks!




Sherry Zoars has been the Coffee Lady for many years, but now must step away. She and Tony hope 1 or 2 others in the Fellowship will step forward and assume responsibility for completing orders and keeping the NUUF coffee larder ready for Sunday morning services.

“This task is not difficult,” Sherry says, “and it contributes to our principles in several ways.”  She points out that the coffee we use on Sundays and that we buy through the Fair Trade network does not cheat the farmers who grow the beans. The dollars from the coffee, tea and chocolate orders add to the NUUF financial position as well as benefiting the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee.

If you are wondering what else you might do to support NUUF, contact Sherry for more info on this important but relatively easy task.   zoars@copper.net



For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com



The Citizens' Climate Lobby will meet on Wednesday, June 14 at 6:30-8:00 pm at ArtStart, located at 68 South Stevens in Rhinelander. For further information contact David Barnhill at 920-745-0842

The Northwoods Pride LGBTQIA Family and Friends Picnic is Saturday, June 10 from Noon to 3:00 pm at Arbor Vitae Fireman’s Park. The event is co-sponsored by Northwoods Progressives, Rainbow Hodags, and The Democratic Party of Vilas County. Bring meat/and or vegetables to grill and a dish to share.



Our Board now has a new member to fill the vacated seat of Terry Hoyt, our long term Treasurer and all around helper. Her name is Kathryn Rahimzadeh and she takes her seat effective July 1. Terry has volunteered to help her with the transition and learning of our software, QuickBooks. Re-appointed to second (and final) terms are Ginny Metzdorf and Ted Rulseh, Secretary.

Candace Zahn Cain will move into the second year of her first term, and I will enter my fourth and last year as President (term limit!). Thanks to all the past and current Board members who have helped keep this operation successful!

Our next Board meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, June 23 at the Fellowship Hall. Send your proposals to any Board member.


A covenant is defined as a formal, solemn, and binding agreement. NUUF has a longstanding Covenant of Purpose, and our recent Annual Meeting saw the approval of a Covenant of Right Relations, a significant addition to our promises to one another. Both are reproduced in their entirety for all to read and ponder.


The Covenant of the Northwoods Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship is:

To Practice religion founded upon devotion to individual freedom of belief;

To respect the dignity and equality of all people;

To live in harmony with the natural world;

And to foster liberal religious living through worship, study, service, and fellowship.


As members of the Northwood Unitarian Universalist Fellowship we commit to follow these guidelines in order to create our own welcoming, respectful, safe and vibrant spiritual community where each person can search for truth and meaning in a supportive environment. While realizing that we do not always live up to our ideals, we know we can choose to grow in a manner that promotes a religious community grounded in love and justice. In pledging to follow these guidelines, we will serve our own spiritual development, one another, our religious home, our local community, our larger faith and our world.

As a member of this community I make these promises:

  1. I will welcome with an open mind and heart all who gather here.
  2. I will nurture myself and others with caring words, kind actions and compassionate concern.
  3. I will honor and cherish children by nurturing their character through spiritual, moral and intellectual guidance and by example.
  4. I will be mindful of the contributions made to the Fellowship and express gratitude for these efforts.
  5. I will listen carefully to others to strengthen understanding and trust.
  6. I will share my ideas and feelings courageously in a way that demonstrates respect for others, especially when disagreeing.
  7. I will trust that when disagreements occur we will speak directly with one another about our concerns.
  8. I will refrain from gossiping, ridiculing, attacking or invalidating others through word or deed.
  9. I will seek to resolve conflict through engaging, where necessary, in procedures established by the Board and membership.
  10. I will respect and maintain confidences.
  11. I will support and encourage the personal and spiritual growth of others, acknowledging that each person has a unique path and truth.
  12. I will work patiently through challenges that face us, support each other in heartache and share in other's joy.
  13. I will acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes, strive to forgive, and treat others with compassion.

This covenant is a living document. It can be reviewed by the Fellowship at any time and adapted to fit changing needs and circumstances. It represents a commitment to thoughtful, active participation in the life of this religious community and to caring, respectful relationships with one another.

Our NUUF Community


If you know someone who is interested in joining the Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, please contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com or call 715-892-2997.

Check out our website https://nuuf.com/joomla4. Also take time to "LIKE" us on Facebook.com. Click here on Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship for direct access if you already have a Facebook account. We're posting pictures, reminders about upcoming events and more.



Catherine Joppa is taking a temporary hiatus as newsletter editor. In her absence, I am attempting to fill her compitent shoes. Please send your announcements and updates to me, Cheryl Hanson, at ceonehanson@gmail.com or to Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com (who forwards the information to me) by June 25 for the July Newsletter. It is very helpful if your copy is written exactly the way you want it to read so that it can be copied and pasted. Thank you everybody.

Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Woodruff, WI

8625 Peggy’s Lane
    P.O. Box 1881
    Woodruff, WI  54568-1881

715-356-3908 https://nuuf.com/joomla4