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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods

Volume 15, Number 9 –March 2014

We Are a Welcoming Congregation

Upcoming Services

Services are on alternate Sundays at 10 AM

March 9: Rev. Denise Tracy Pete Seeger: Protest Singer" We will celebrate the music, words and life of Pete Seeger.

March 23: Rick Immler


March 4: Mardi Gras Fundraiser at Norwood Pines. 5:30. Live music, Cajun buffet. Donations requested. Costumes suggested.

Adult R.E.: Adult RE is on alternate Sundays at 10 AM. We are studying “Conquest of the Americas” taught by Professor Marshall C. Eakin, Vanderbilt University

03-02 Stepping Stones—The Conquest of the Caribbean The Rise of Hernán Cortés

03-16 The Fall of Montezuma Conquistadors and Incas

03-30 The Frontiers of Empire Portuguese Brazil—The King’s Plantation

New Member Ceremony and Potluck Lunch: On Sunday, March 9, we will officially welcome our 5 newest members during the service. Afterwards, there will be a potluck lunch in their honor. If you have questions, please contact Candy Sorensen.

Tai Chi for Women The Rev. Denise Tracy will conduct another Tai Chi workshop on Saturday, March 8, at 10 AM at NUUF. A $10 donation is requested.

Dinners at Frederick Place We will be providing dinners on March 23 & 24. Please contact Diane Reupert if you can help out.

Concert at Woolpy's: Lil Rev returns for another home concert at Tara and Jerry’s, Saturday, April 19, at 7.

If you were here last year, you know Lil Rev is known for his ukulele and harmonica stylings. He is also a seasoned multi-instrumentalist equally adept at old time banjo, flat-pick guitar and blues mandolin. He performs for kids, seniors, veterans, developmentally disabled and anyone who is willing to listen. Rev has over 24 years of music therapy experience, working throughout the Milwaukee community, uplifting, empowering and entertain all. Pete Seeger said, “Listen to this! Lil Rev is great!” And Rabbi Larry Milder added, “Lil Rev is the Jewish Pete Seeger: a voice that just pulls you in, a raconteur, and folksinger in the classic tradition of songs of justice, dignity and Jewish Heritage.


Notice of the 2014 Annual Business Meeting of the MidAmerica Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association: Saturday, April 12, 2014

This multi-site business meeting will be held simultaneously at four physical locations:
1. First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor, Michigan
4001 Ann Arbor Saline Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103-8739
2. Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana
2120 N Fee Lane, Bloomington, IN 47408-1646
3. Topeka Ramada Hotel and Convention Center
420 Southeast 6th Ave, Topeka, KS 66607
4. First Universalist Unitarian Church of Wausau, Wisconsin
504 Grant St, Wausau, WI 54403-4738

Events begin on Friday night in Wausau. The business meeting will begin at 10:30 AM Saturday morning. Richard Olson will be conducting a workshop in Wausau on Saturday afternoon. For more information, visit: http://www.midamericauua.org/events/regional-assembly/wausau To register, click on the Register Now tab in the upper left hand corner of the site. If you are interested in being a delegate at the Wausau site, please contact John Viste.

Save the Date: NUUF turns 25 in 2014! We're planning a dinner party and celebratory service the weekend of August 23 and 24. Barb Mochon will be taking your picture for our new photo directory. More details later. Questions? Contact Elinore, Chair of the Anniversary Committee.

Fund Raising Dinner for Frederick Place: On February 1, Sharon Reilly, Tom and Elinore Sommerfeld attended the 3rd Annual Fundraising Dinner for Frederick Place. Every year, the event grows. This year about 170 folks attended, enjoying dinner, meeting with friends, raffles and silent auction, all in support of Frederick Place. Only about 10% of their annual budget of $225,000 comes from government grants, so our support is very important. In the past 3 years, about 330 folks have lived there, ranging in age from 2 days to 70+. On average, 10-12 residents are there on any given night. Thousands of dollars, hours and in-kind goods make Frederick Place function. NUUF's support is vital to its success. Please consider providing food, making a donation, volunteering your services or attending next year's dinner.

Do you like mystery novels? With a UU slant? Check out the books by the UU minister Rev. Judith Campbell, featuring her sleuth, UU minister, Rev. Olympia Brown. Her books are available at Amazon, Kindle, Barnes and Noble, etc and at least some local libraries (i.e. Boulder Junction). Bookmarks from her are available at NUUF.

From the President: As you are all probably aware, the UUA congregations in the Midwest have created a new organizational entity called the MidAmerica Region. It is composed of the former Prairie Star, Central Midwest, and Heartland Districts. The first Regional Assembly meeting of the MidAmerica Region will be held as one event in four locations April 11-13, including Wausau. If anyone is interested in attending as the NUUF delegate – or if you’d like more information about the MidAmerica region - please see the information above or contact me at: jviste@gmail.com. Tom Sommerfeld is Treasurer of the MidAmerica region and will be more than happy to explain the new organizational structure to you.

I think that we are in need of a congregational conversation. I hesitate to make the analogy to this very long, snowy, and cold winter. Suffice to say that we are in need of spring in the Fellowship, a bit of renewal. I would like to have a discussion about your vision of the future of the Fellowship and how we can best get there. If any of you are interested in participating in such a discussion, please contact me and we will set something up.

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing all of you who fled to warmer climes soon – perhaps in May?



Tom & Elinore Sommerfeld 03-02

Jan Anderson 03-02

Tony Zoars 03-09

Iris Linder 03-10

Ed Semon 03-11

Dick Fields 03-12

Nancy Junkermann 03-12

Sally Back 03-12

Charles Reed 03-13

Ginny Metzdorf 03-15

Nancy Bayne 03-16

Kayla Norris Demers 03-19

John Viste & Elaine Strite 03-21

Connie Downey 03-22

Lara Tenório 03-23

Sally O'Brien 03-24

Dan Rondello 03-24

Terry Hoyt 03-27

Pat Bickner 03-29

Sophia Figueroa 03-29

Kayla and Jason Demers 03-30

Marti Hall 03-31


"Like" us--Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship--on Facebook. We're posting pictures, reminders about upcoming events and more.


Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

P.O. Box 1881

Woodruff, WI 54568-1881



John Viste, President



The NUUSLetter is published monthly. Newsletter Deadline: 27th of the month. Please send submissions to Elinore Sommerfeld at esommerf@aol.com.


For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com.