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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods

Volume 16, Number 8 – February 2015


We Are a Welcoming Congregation


Upcoming Services

Services are on alternate Sundays at 10 AM

February 8: February Sky Join Susan Urban and Phil Cooper for a music service entitled, The Sacred Path of the Long Lived. In our current culture, people who have lived past a certain number of years are often made to feel not only that they are inferior to younger people, but that they MUST lose their health, mental capacity and joy in living as they add years to their lifespan.  We believe that this “ain’t necessarily so.”  We’ll explore the wonder and joy, as well as the responsibility, of being among the long-lived.

February 22: Elinore Sommerfeld "Caesar's Messiah" The Romans did what?? Christianity is what?? This is a presentation on a radical theory about the origins of Christianity, based on the book "Caesar's Messiah". Come prepared to be challenged.


Adult R.E.: Adult RE is on alternate Sundays at 10 AM.

News from Jeanine and Ed Semon: I have a good-sized art exhibit up in the building we live in. Ed and I have found happiness here and joy among the elderly, which is us. 3 times a week we have movies, Rabbi talks, exercises, and culture events they take us to, and music performers regularly. Ed has taken more interest in music since his stroke. This place is reading Ed's writing, chapter by chapter and I give art talks. Amazing. They think we are a talented couple. And we're still in love. BUT, we miss you all. There is nothing like the UU group and all IT provides. Much love, pass this on, and thanks with peace, Jeanine

Home Concert at the Woolpy's: February Sky: Susan & Phil return to Tara and Jerry's for a home concert Saturday Feb 7 at 7 PM. For more info and to RSVP, contact Jerry Woolpy at jerry2@earlam.edu.

Limited Time Offer from the Endowment Committee:

Why: To provide fellowship members additional time to make suggestions for Endowment Committee Grants.

When: The timeline has been extended as follows:

Step 1: Suggestions for Grant Recipients (form to be completed by fellowship member)due February 15.

Step 2: Committee Chair will mail out the Grant Applications February 16.

Step 3: Grant Applications to be completed by organizations that were suggested. Due March 15.

Step 4: The Endowment Type Committee will meet and review Grant Applications Before April 15. Selections of possible Grant Recipients will be made.

Step 5: During the Annual NUUF Meeting a list of recommended Grant Recipients will be presented to the board. The annual NUUF meeting takes place in mid May.

Step 6: If approved the Grant Recipients will be issued checks. Before June 15.

Candy has previously sent out the application form. If you have questions, please contact Barb Bratcher.

Regional Assembly is Coming! The MidAmerican Regional Assembly will be held April 17-19 in Naperville Il, near Chicago. The Keynote speakers are Rev. Marlin Lavanhar and Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt. There will be worship, workshops and the annual business meeting. For more information or to register, go to www.midamericauua.org/ra.

General Assembly is Coming! GA this year will be in Portland Or from June 24-28. Housing reservations open March 2. It's recommended that you get your hotel reservation EARLY; GA registration can wait till later.

UU College of Social Justice The UU College of Social Justice has a number of summer youth programs. There will be a one day program at General Assembly, plus programs in New Orleans, Boston and Tucson. For more information, visit www.uucsj.org/youth.

Arts in Our Community

Please let me know if you are showing work, appearing in a performance, have literature/poetry to share. Elinore

Frederick Place Dinner: We will be supplying dinners for February 22 and 23. If you can help, please contact Diane Reupert or Barb Logan.

Message from the President: For those who missed Judy Goldsmith's presentation on Martin Luther King Day, she did her usual wonderful job. Kudos to Diane Reupert and the members of the Social Justice Committee for their excellent organizational skills and the creation of two separate events for the first time. I had the pleasure of attending the Rhinelander event which was surprisingly well attended. David Dall provided his voice and guitar playing Pete Seeger songs and the attendees joined in the singing, standing and swaying to this inspiring music. I've been told that the Woodruff event went just as well. This kind of effort adds to my pride in being a part of NUUF.

As the length of each day increases ever so slightly, so does my hope for spring. Seeing Valentine's Day on my February calendar gives me an excuse to share my feelings with loved ones. Then Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) appears on the seventeenth. Unfortunately our fund-raiser at Norwood Pines will NOT be held this year. The Teichmiller family has planned an outing in Colorado at that time. The Dixie Six will have another year to practice and get even better for 2016.

The NUUF Board will convene on February 24 at 10 a.m. If you have any issues or agenda items for our consideration, please let one of the Board members know.

Oh, one more thing, the NFL has decided to hold a special Super Bowl to celebrate my 76th birthday. I can hardly wait! Bob

"Like" us--Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship--on Facebook. We're posting pictures, reminders about upcoming events and more.


Bob Hanson                                      02-01

Mary Beth O'Halloran                                 02-02

Barbara Beutler                               02-03

Myrle Wasko                                     02-03

Pam Thul-Immler                             02-04

Cora Holt                                           02-04

Mark Bruhy                                        02-05

Andrea Billings                                02-06

Jerry Buerer                                       02-07

Judith Maloney                                02-12

John Viste                                         02-12

Catherine Parker                              02-13

Wenda Sheard                                             02-13

Jim Rusak                                          02-14

Kate Egan Bruhy                               02-14

Ron Reupert                                      02-16

Claire Polfus                                     02-17

Jack Haffner                                      02-21

Elaine Strite                                      02-21

Billy Hurlburt                                                02-22

Missy Young                                     02-23

Ardis White                                       02-25



Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

P.O. Box 1881

Woodruff, WI 54568-1881



Robert Hanson, President



The NUUSLetter is published monthly. Newsletter Deadline is the 27th of the month. Please send submissions to Elinore Sommerfeld at esommerf@aol.com.


For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com.