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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods

We Are a Welcoming Congregation

Upcoming Services

August 9th John Bates - Views on the Intersection of Science and Spirit. John Bates is the author of seven books and a contributor to seven others, all of which focus on the natural history of the Northwoods. J

August 23rd Richard Olson - Afterlives and Underworlds.  Myths about afterlives and underworlds go back to primal civilizations. Often these myths offer insight into the cultures that have created them.  While we may not all share the same beliefs, and at the risk of generalizing, we tend to have a common understanding of what people mean when they refer to Heaven and Hell.  But could billions of people be wrong?

September 6th Mary Beth O’Halloran - Everyday Mindfulness.  Even people who think it would be good to meditate regularly don’t always follow through.  The Buddhist practice of mindfulness (vipassana) and some Western traditions offer ways to meditate while eating breakfast and washing the dishes.

Events and Information:

Adult R.E.:   Generally Adult RE is on alternate Sundays at 10 AM. Topic is "Exploring the Roots of Religion”

Men's Group Meeting:  The Men's meeting is on Tuesday, Aug. 11, 6 pm at the Fellowship.  Jim Ferguson will provide the main course.  Bring a side dish and you beverage of choice.  Frank Patin will lead the discussion

Women's Group:  The Women's Discussion Group sponsored by the Care Committee meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. at the Fellowship.  All members and friends are welcome.  This month’s meeting may change.  The next Women’s Discussion Group will meet on August 25th at the Fellowship at 10:00 a.m.  Topic is experiences with nature and how it makes us feel.  Please call Mary Ann Fields 715-385-2975 for more information.  Those who wish can go out for lunch together.   

Arts in Our Community
NUUF Art Gallery:  If you are interested in sharing your artwork, a new Exhibit will be going up on August 22.  All NUUF members are invited to share their artistic talents. Contact Sharon for more details (608-963-0742, reillyhi@earthlink.net).  Also please let Sharon know if you are showing work, appearing in a performance, have literature/poetry to share.

The Woodruff Town Board voted Tuesday night to allow us to place a Peace Pole in the Veteran's Park by the Woodruff Post Office. The pole has been ordered and should arrive in 6-8 weeks. We are on the agenda of the Minocqua Town Board for permission to place a Peace Pole in the Veteran's Park at the corner of Highway 51 and Front Street. It was also suggested that a Peace Pole be placed at the Woodruff Cemetery on Highway 51. We are on the Woodruff Town Board agenda for permission to do that. The Lac du Flambeau Veteran's Group has also indicated that we can place a Peace Pole in their Veteran's Park. Both the Minocqua Morning Rotary Club and Minocqua Noon Rotary Club have been asked to be a part of this as will the members churches of the Lakeland Ministerial Association. We may have these by September 21st which is the United Nations International Day of Peace. As the pole at our Fellowship says, "May Peace Prevail on Earth".

Mark Your Calendar - Food For Kidz is Oct 17th. Volunteers needed

Nancy and Perry Junkermann    08-01
Cathy Farrell and Tim Kratz    08-01
Elinore Sommerfeld        08-02
Janice Reed            08-04
Susan Knight            08-04
Jim Hall            08-05
Joan Hauer            08-07
Candace Zahn Cain        08-07
Jeanne & Rev. Bob Reed        08-11
Cindy and Jim Rusak        08-12
Jerry Woolpy            08-14
Rev. Robert Reed        08-15
David Foster            08-17
Mary Rusak            08-18
Jack & Joan Hafner        08-18
Jeanne Reed            08-24
Eliot Frost            08-26
Jim and Sue Ferguson        08-28
Dawn McCusker            08-29
Suzy and David Foster        08-31

"Like" us--Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship--on Facebook (Our page link is https://www.facebook.com/groups/135173523266925/?ref=br_tf).  We're posting pictures, reminders about upcoming events and more.

Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, P.O. Box 1881, Woodruff, WI 54568-1881

The NUUSLetter is published monthly. Newsletter Deadline is the 27th of the month.  Please send submissions to Sharon Reilly at reillyhi@earthlink.net

For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com or Robert Hanson, President, president@nuuf.com