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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods

Volume 17, Number 5 – November 2015
We Are a Welcoming Congregation

Upcoming Services
Nov 1st – Rev Denise Tracy “The Art of Appreciation”. Developing the skill of showing others we respect and love them.
Nov 15th – Ted Rulseh. "What Should I Do With (What's Left of) My Life.  It's about reaching the age when time passes too fast, when you realize you're mortal, and you want to make the rest of you days count, not just by indulging in a "bucket list" but by being of service, making a difference.
Nov 29th – Sharon Reilly “Thank You Birds!” As we celebrate Thanksgiving, it is a great time to thank Birds and the conservation efforts to save them and their habitats which have led to our Legacy of Conservation in the United States.
“Family Reunion:  Let’s Revitalize Our Fellowship”
Summary of meeting
Below is a summary of the Family Reunion Meeting.
Our moderator was Eric Severson with Mid-America Unitarian Universalist.
·       Vision is a shared dream of what we want to be as a fellowship, where we would like to be in five years.
·       Mission is what d0 we want to be known for …what we want the Fellowship to mean to the community for example "that church does…" The mission is the bedrock
·       Covenant answers the questions “how will we be towards one another? And what do we promise to each other?” in terms of behavior to foster safety and trust. Covenant is the starting place as it helps establish the ground rules.
·       When developing each of these it is important to draw from as many people in the Fellowship as possible. Doing this can ameliorate lots of personality issues. These are essential to have a healthy and active internal life to a community
·       These three documents are living documents to be reviewed on a regular basis every 3 to 5 years. The covenant and mission for NUUF was developed 26 years ago.
Activity 1 Eric S utilized tools for group process here and later in workshop
·       Designation of timekeeper, scribe and process observer for all meetings  (Joan H, Pam Thul-Immler and Mary Beth O for today)
·       Setting up ground rules which operate as a mini covenant for group process  (see Appendix 1 for ground rules developed with the group  for this Reunion)
 Activity 2 Broke up into Dyads to share "What I love about NUUF"
·       a member of each dyad reported what their partner loves about the Fellowship (See Appendix 2 for full list)
·       This helped  to get to know each other’s story, to strengthen community, make the most of what we have,
·       Eric pointed out that it is natural to fall short. People become discouraged if some of their aspirations are not being addressed such as tasks not being done, people falling through the cracks, members spread too thin etc.
Activity 3 What’s NOT working well?  Brainstorming (See Appendix 3 for full list)
·       Communication: internal (such as lack of clarity re: policies, procedures guidelines), external and outreach
·       Physical building/plant activities and coordination
·        Balancing personal and congregational needs including boundaries about volunteering, shared expectations and how we treat each other
·       Culture of Hospitality including greeting and lack of follow-up with visitors and orientation of new members
·       Growth in terms of diversity, spiritual maturity, perhaps numbers.
·       Community building including speakers and programs,
·       Spiritual journeys of the Fellowship
·       Social activities have diminished
·       Leadership volunteers diminished (difficulties with recruitment, lack of training/mentoring, transitions and shared ministry.
Activity 4 Determination of 3 Priority Issues to address first
·       Revision of an NUUF Covenant
·       Clarification of Communication lines, structures
·       Enhancement of the NUUF Culture
Activity 5 Each of the three priorities were explored in terms of resources available and potential obstacles to achieving those priorities
Covenant Revision
·       Resources include consultation such as todays workshop, educating ourselves on examples of covenants and how others have been developed, consider talking circles regarding the covenant process, use of webinars UUA
·       Potential Obstacles –time and patience is required to do go through a process of developing a covenant, will need to outline the steps, clear process for handling disagreements, willingness to be a leader, risk of change in self-examination, board support must be there for the process
Communication Clarification
·       Resources include the Board ‘s ability to consolidate committees, communication of activities and lines of authority, potential to hire a part-time staff person, continued refinement of newsletter, email alerts, the website, the weekly bulletin, the potential for increased giving from members, discern publicity committee responsibilities,
·       Obstacles include committee job descriptions and following them, the need for a point person for many functions
Community Enhancement
·       Resources resume circle dinners, refer to Small Congregations Handbook from New England District UUA, potential for other small group ministries, ability to develop a platform for conflict resolution
Activity 6 Development of Action Plans for each priority and volunteers for each
Covenant Revision
·       Assign a task force responsible for revision of NUUF covenant ( Bob Hansen, Pam Immler, Cheryl Hanson, Barbara Logan)
·       Gather examples of covenants in 1 month (Natalie, Jana Mears, Judy Maloney)
·       Clearly define vision, mission and covenant statements 2 months (Sharon Riley)
·       Consider inviting Eric Severson back in April for a continuation of the covenant development process for the community (task force)
Communication Enhancement
·       Create an NUUF brochure to be completed in 2 months and brought to the Board (Cheryl Hanson, Tony Polfus, Sharon Riley)
·       Clarify expectations from committees and lines of authority and review committee responsibilities in hopes of paring down the number of committees to facilitate more effective leadership opportunities ( board will be responsible)
Community Building
·       Reestablish  Circle Suppers early 2016 (Joan Hauer)
·       Investigate conflict resolution resources-(Nancy Junkerman)
·       Investigate small group ministries (no volunteers sought)
·       Investigate pastoral care resources (no volunteers sought)

Resources provided by Eric Severson:
·       Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Services by Dan Hotchkiss
·       Salted with Fire UU evangelism 1994 by Scott Alexander
·       The Strategic and Spiritual Approach to Discerning Your Congregation's Future by Roy Oswalt and Robert Frederick
·       More than Numbers: The way churches Grow by Lauren Mead
·       101 Ideas for Membership Growth published by UUA
·       Wayside Pulpit for Publicity on UUA Website
·       Documents including effective meeting leadership, functional roles within groups such as observer scribe and timekeeper, creating norms checklist, board calendar as a tool, UU a website communication tools, including person-to-person, communication guidelines, announcements, newsletters etc.
Submitted by SCRIBE EXTRAODINAIRE Pam Thul-Immler
There are many events planned over the next couple of months. See the section below for the other events around the community.
NUUF Events at the Fellowship
Adult Religious Education is on alternate Sundays at 10 AM. Current topic is "Exploring the Roots of Religion”
Sunday, November 1, 15, and 29
at 9:00 am
Anyone interested in joining the choir and practicing for the Holiday service is welcome. Contact Patty Buehler at pattybuehler@yahoo.com or 715-356-7834.
Tuesday, November 10th
6:00 P.M. at the Fellowship
Movie Night is back. Get out of the house and enjoy a movie with Fellowship friends. Tuesday, November 10th at 6:00pm we will be showing a movie that you are sure to enjoy. Popcorn will be available. Bring your own drinks and if you want to share anything else, that's fine too. We have a big new viewing screen and a blue ray player too. See you at the movies.
Tuesday November 17th
Because of the holidays the NUUF Women’s Group will meet on the 3rd Tuesday in November and December instead of the 4th Tuesdays. The next meeting will be on Tuesday November 17th. Meet at 10 am at the Fellowship. Our topic is Games We Enjoy Playing.  Why we play games on the computer, do crossword puzzles, Sudoku, play Bridge, Mahjong etc. We will share some of our favorites and how to find them on the internet. Toni Polfus will be the leader. The December Women’s Group will meet on Dec 15th. The regular 4th Tuesday schedule will resume in January 2016.  
Tuesday November 17th
The Men's Group will also meet at the Fellowship on Tuesday, Nov. 17th but 6pm. Please bring a side dish and your beverage of choice.  Rick Immler will provide the main dish.  All are welcome.
for Don and Joyce Barnes
Sunday November 15th
The Celebration of Life service for Don and Joyce Barnes will be Sunday Nov 15 at 1pm. The family has requested we follow with light snacks and desserts. We will not be having a potluck after the service.  Anyone wishing to bring a snack please contact Candace czcain62@gmail.com
At the Fellowship November 26th at 4pm
All are welcome. Also if you plan to attend, please contact Barb Beutler (715-499-2949 or barbarabeutler@hotmail.com) with details on the number in your party and the dish you will be bringing. You can also reach out to Elinore Sommerfeld, if you cannot reach Barb (esommerf@aol.com).
Saturday December 12th
4:00 Service
Potluck supper to follow at 5:00.
Will Be Back in January 2016
We will be having circle dinners sponsored by the fellowship starting in January. All are welcome to participate. Please forward you name to me and a list will be created. The rules will be determined and circulated. Basically they will involve 6-8 persons, what you are comfortable hosting, at a mutually agreeable date and time. The host person providing the entree, the others assigned courses by the host. Next event, one gets to be the guest bringing a dish and going out. Some pattern will be established and communicated. It is a nice way to meet people you do not always take time to talk with and get to know a little better. Please forward your interest, so the project can be planned. Contact Joan Hauer for more details or to express your interest.
If you know someone who is interested in joining the Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, please contact Candy Sorensen at:sorencan@yahoo.com or call 715-892-2997
Dana and Jerry Collins                    11-01
Megan Kratz                                  11-03
Faye Calvey                                   11-04
Dan Padberg                                 11-09
Jana Mirs                                      11-09
Cathy Farrell                                  11-09
Ron and Diane Reupert                   11-11
Bob Polfus                                     11-12
Dennis Kobes                                 11-15
Ted Rulseh                                     11-15
Zach Boustead                                11-15
Herb White                                     11-16
Rick Immler                                    11-19
Richard Olson                                 11-20
Veronica Mucci                                11-23
Amy Holt                                        11-24
Celeste Gonder                                11-25
Perry Junkermann                            11-29
Patty Buehler                                   11-30
Food Pantry Update
It has been a busy time at Lakeland Food Pantry for NUUF.  On Tuesday, November 3, NUUF needs to have 5 volunteers at the Lakeland Union Food Pantry.  Each area church is assigned several Tuesdays a year to provide volunteers for food distribution.  This is our last assigned date for 2015. Please let Barbara Logan (715-356-3104) know if you can help. Volunteers need to be at the Pantry by 8 a.m.
NUUF volunteers Candy Sorensen and Barbara Logan met two cognitively disabled Lakeland Union High School students and their aide at the Food Pantry on the afternoon of October 27.  The students come every Tuesday afternoon to help clean the Pantry for work experience. The NUUF has volunteered to have two adults at the Pantry the fourth Tuesday of every month to assist the students and offer praise for work well done.
Lorna Springate is the new part-time Director of the Lakeland Pantry. She announced that during the month of September 1,968 household received assistance from the Pantry. (3,042 adults and 1,675 children received the food.) There were 17 new sign-ups and a total of 4,413 pounds of food distributed.  1060 volunteer hours were logged.
Mark Your Calendar – Upcoming Community Events
Middle Eastern Film Series
Presented by Elaine Strite
at the ArtStart (in Rhinelander)
November 5
Amreeka tells the story of a Palestinian woman who emigrates to America with her teenage son.  It was written and directed by Cherien Dabis, a young woman born in America to Palestinian parents.  It has won numerous awards, including the Humanities Prize at Sundance in 2009
November 12
Paradise Now is a Palestinian movie about two friends who are recruited to carry out a suicide bombing mission in Israel.  It was written and directed by Hany Abu-Assad, a Palestinian who grew up in Nazareth in Israel.  The movie was released in 2005, was nominated for Best Foreign Film at the Academy Awards in 2006 and won the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film in 2006.
About the presenter, Elaine Strite: Elaine Strite has spent 27 years in the Middle East, 15 in Egypt, ten in the occupied Palestinian territory, and two in Lebanon.  She got her start in Egypt teaching English in Egyptian schools, set up an income generating project for women in the Sinai, wrote for various magazines and newspapers, and worked on a US Government funded program to support intellectual property rights.  In Palestine, she worked in journalism and as a consultant for handicraft marketing before managing USAID-funded scholarship and education support projects from 2001 until 2007.  In Lebanon she worked as an independent consultant for two US organizations, surveying international development efforts and conditions in Lebanese schools.
Winter concerts at Tara and Jerry's
Saturday Nov 14th 7pm Lil Rev
Saturday Dec 12th 7pm Wade Fernandez
Let us know if you are interested and want to reserve a place and how many in your party and which concerts you want to reserve.
Artwork Request
The Gallery will change over 3rd week of November (in time for the Thanksgiving Celebration at the fellowship). If you have any artwork you would like to display: photography, paintings, fabric art, sculpture, even landscape/outdoor art, please contact Sharon reillyhi@earthlink.net.
NUUF and NEWSLETTER INFORMATION - From the Newsletter Editor:
This is a friendly reminder that all NUUF newsletter items are due by the 27th of the month. If you have news about upcoming events in Oct, Nov & December please forward those to me as early as possible (reillyhi@earthlink.net)
For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com or Robert Hanson, President, president@nuuf.com
"Like" us--Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship--on Facebook (Our page link is https://www.facebook.com/groups/135173523266925/?ref=br_tf).  We're posting pictures, reminders about upcoming events and more.
Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
P.O. Box 1881, Woodruff, WI 54568-1881