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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods


Newsletter of the Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Woodruff, WI

Volume 18, Number 5 – November 2016

We Are a Welcoming Congregation


UU Core Principles
  • The inherent worth and dignity of every person
  • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement of
    spiritual growth in our congregations
  • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
  • The right of conscience and the use of the democratic
    process within our congregations and in society at large
  • The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all
  • Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of
    which we are a part


Regular Services : 10am
11/13 Rick Immler
11/27 Jennifer Laporta . Hospice
Adult RE meets on alternate Sundays from our regular service
11/06   Last two lectures in the series.
1) Religion and Law in America.
2) Religion Today . Trends, Challenges, and Hope
11/20 Part I – In the Beginning . 
Examines the roots of liberal religious thought prior to the Reformation, including heritics such as Jan Hus. It concludes with the life of Michael Servetus.


Men's Discussion Group : Tuesday November 15 at 6pm . Pot luck plus discussion on topic proposed by Frank Paton. Bring a dish to pass plus a beverage of your choice. All are welcome, including new members. (3rd Tuesday of each month)

Women's Discussion Group : Tuesday November 22 at 10am . (4th Tuesday of each month)


Thanksgiving Day Celebration : Thursday November 24 at 4 PM . Join together in the Fellowship Hall for this annual Celebration. Please contact Barbara Beutler or Joan Junge to volunteer a dish or to help with set-up or clean-up. Suggested dishes include: appetizers, turkey, vegetables  / salads, rolls, and desserts.  Thanks Everybody!!

Joan:    joan.junge@yahoo.com       360-544-2077

Barb:    barbarabeutler@hotmail.com      715-499-2949

Annual Holiday Service : Sunday, December 18 at 4pm . Mark your calendars. The program is at 4:00 with a potluck at 5:00. Bob Hanson's Dixie band, Trillium, and our NUUF choir will be performing Holiday favorites with many sing-a-longs.
Bring friends and family for music and fun. Patty Buehler


Monthly Movie Night . Movie nights at the Fellowship are generally on the third Thursday of the month. Watch for email announcement.


Dana and Jerry Collins                                11-01

Megan Kratz                                      11-03

Faye Calvey                                       11-04

Dan Padberg                                     11-09

Jana Mirs                                           11-09

Cathy Farrell                                     11-09

Ron and Diane Reupert                  11-11

Bob Polfus                                         11-12

Dennis Kobes                                               11-15

Ted Rulseh                                        11-15

Zach Boustead                                             11-15

Herb White                                       11-16

Rick Immler                                       11-19

Richard Olson                                               11-20

Veronica Mucci                                 11-23

Amy Holt                                            11-24

Celeste Gonder                                11-25

Perry Junkermann                            11-29

Patty Buehler                                                11-30


If your Birthday or Anniversary is missing, or you see something that needs correcting, please contact Candy. Thanks




WXPR Silent and Live Auction : Sunday, Nov 6, 2pm
. At Holiday Acres in Rhinelander with complimentary food and wine… Admission for WXPR Members is $20 . For non-members $25. Emphasis is on experiences and event tickets, as well as art objects.


Wednesday, November 2. 6:30pm .  

Science on Tap Evolution of public Education

Presented by Mark Johnson, UW Madison Dept of Education

Minocqua Brewing Company   


Tara and Jerry Woolpy Concert : Saturday, November 20 at 7pm. Karen Savoca returns with Pete Heitzman's accompaniment. She's our idea of the voice of the century.  "A voice with this much strength and easy confidence is a rare find. But that's not where Savoca's talents end. Her songs are filled with good humor, sensuality, and nature's simple pleasures. She can work a sly smile into a lyric that makes you smile in spite of yourself. Open up and let her in." - All Music Guide

Email for reservations, jerryw@earlham.edu


We want to thank everyone for their kind wishes as we move on to a new life away from the Northwoods.  Leaving was bittersweet, but new adventures await. If you want to stay in touch, here's our info. Tom and Elinore

439 Sumark Way
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

(T) 715-605-2288
(E) 715-605-2007




ü  The Spirituality (Program) Committee will soon be preparing a list of Sunday speakers for our 2017-2018 fiscal year, which runs from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. If you wish to present a Sunday program, please contact Dick Fields or one of our other committee members. We are always looking for new speakers to fill our pulpit. If you know of someone you would like to present a program, please let the committee know.

ü  The Board would like to have a New Members Ceremony. If you or anyone you know would like to sign the book and join the Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship please let us know. We would be glad to include all new members in our ceremony.


Long Strange Trip

Sunday, Nov. 20, 10:00 AM the Membership Committee and Adult Religious Education starts a new six-part video series entitled “Long Strange Trip” -- “A Journey through Two Thousand Years of Unitarian Universalist History” produced by the Unitarian Universalist Association. If you are new to the Fellowship or a Charter Member you will find this series educational and interesting

Part I - In the Beginning…   Nov. 20

Part I examines the roots of liberal religious thought prior to the Reformation, including heretics such as Jan Hus. It concludes with the life of Michael Servetus.

Part II - The Birth of Unitarianism   Dec. 4

Part II chronicles how Servetus’ message influenced David Ferenc in Transylvania and led to the formation of the first coherent Unitarian theology. It traces that theology as in spreads to Poland and then west Europe towards the Netherlands and England. It discusses the work of Theophilus Lindsey and Joseph Priestley in forming an organized English Unitarianism.

Part III - American Unitarianism   Jan. 1

Part III talks about the development of Unitarianism in America from 1620 through the death of Theodore Parker in 1860. It details the three separate Unitarian faiths – the Socinianism of Joseph Priestley, The Arianism of William Ellery Channing and the Transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Theodore Parker.

Part IV – Universalism   Jan. 15

Part IV documents the development of Universalism from the early German and English pietists, to John Murry, Elhanan Winchester, and Hosea Ballou. It details the unprecedented explosion of Universalist churches across America during the first half of the 19th century and discusses why the movement began its precipitous decline after the death of Hosea Ballou in 1850.

Part V – Evolution   Jan. 29

Part V follows both Unitarianism and Universalist through the late 19th and early 20th centuries as they evolve from Christian bible-oriented religious to our present-day non-creedal movement. It discusses influences as diverse as the Civil War, Feminism and Suffrage, Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, and the Social Gospel.

Part VI - The Hundred Year Waltz   Feb. 5

Part VI documents the century-long courtship between Unitarianism and Universalism that culminated in the merger in 1961. It follows Unitarian Universalism through its first half century and discusses where it may go from here.


I really appreciate the many kind words about the October newsletter. Because you have sent your pieces on to me by Oct 25th, I was able to get to November in a timely way. Thanks. There are many interesting readings and events happening in the fellowship. Remember you can send your fresh updates and announcements to me at cm@newnorth.net. It Is still important that you make your contribution ready to be highlighted, copied and pasted into the body of the newsletter. Also, write with the wording the way you wish it to be read by others. Catherine


As a friendly reminder, if you know someone who is interested in joining the Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, please contact Candy Sorensen at: sorencan@yahoo.com  or call 715-892-2997.


For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com or Robert Hanson, President, president@nuuf.com

"Like" us - Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship - on Facebook (Our page link is https://www.facebook.com/groups/135173523266925/?ref=br_tf). We're posting pictures, reminders about upcoming events and more.

Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

P.O. Box 1881, Woodruff, WI 54568-1881
