Volume 18, Number 14 – August 2017
Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
8625 Peggy’s Lane, P.O. Box 1881, Woodruff, WI 54568
715-356-3908 ~ www.nuuf.com
We are a Welcoming Congregation
Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.
Aug. 6: Rev. Erv Teichmiller
Aug. 20: February Sky
(Phil Cooper & Susan Urban)
Sept. 3: John Bates
Sept. 17: Ted Rulseh
Oct. 1: Mary Beth O’Halloran
Oct. 15: Richard Olson
Oct. 29: Rev. Erv Teichmiller
Nov. 12: Rev. Jennifer LaPorte
Nov. 26: Rev. Denise Tracy
Dec. 12: Barbara Beutler
Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. alternating with our regular Sunday services
The last lecture of “How Jesus Became God” will be Aug. 13
Everyone is invited to join us to review and discuss the Great Books series, “How Jesus Became God.” The series explores the early Christians’ claim that Jesus of Nazareth was God and how that assertion changed the course of Western civilization.
Aug. 27, “The Spiritual Brain: Science and Religious Experience”
Everyone is welcome to join the new Adult Religious Education series, “The Spiritual Brain: Science and Religious Experience.” Topics include: Does God exist? Do we have a soul? Is it possible to make contact with a spiritual realm? How should we respond to the divine? Will life continue beyond death. The first lecture will be “New Perspective on Ancient Questions, and the second will be “Why Do We Have a Spiritual Brain?”
Men's Discussion Group meets on Tuesday, Aug. 8, at 6 p.m. at the Fellowship
All are invited to attend the informative discussion preceded by a potluck dinner. The discussion will be lead by Frank Patin. Take a dish to pass and the beverage of their choice. All are welcome.
Women's Discussion Group meets on Tuesday, Aug. 22, at 10 a.m. at the Fellowship
All are welcome to join the sharing circle. The topic for discussion will be “Favorite Vacations and Why" Those who wish can join us for lunch afterward. Please contact Mary Ann Fields 715 385 2975 for more information.
The Care Committee would like to sponsor another Women's Discussion Group for those who cannot come to our morning session. If interested please contact Toni Polfus 715 277 2025 or Mary Ann Fields 715 385 2975 and we will help find a time for interested persons.
Nancy and Perry Junkermann 08-01 Cathy Farrell and Tim Kratz 08-01 Elinore Sommerfeld 08-02 Janice Reed 08-04 Susan Knight 08-04 Jim Hall 08-05 Joan Hauer 08-07 Candace Zahn Cain 08-07 Jeanne & Rev. Bob Reed 08-11 Cindy and Jim Rusak 08-12 |
Jerry Woolpy 08-14 Rev. Robert Reed 08-15 David Foster 08-17 Mary Rusak 08-18 Jack & Joan Hafner 08-18 Jeanne Reed 08-24 Eliot Frost 08-26 Jim and Sue Ferguson 08-28 Dawn McCusker 08-29 Suzy and David Foster 08-31 |
Is your Birthday or Anniversary missing? Or do you see a mistake that can be corrected? If so, please contact Candy Sorensen at (715) 892-2997 or sorencan@yahoo.com Thanks! |
For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com
The Audacious Annual Auction will be held Saturday, Aug. 19, at NUUF. A social hour will begin at 6 p.m. with bidding to kickoff at 7 p.m. Take a snack if you wish or have dinner on your own; coffee and soft drinks will be available during the social hour. BYOB if so inclined.
Items are still needed for the live and silent auctions! To donate items to the auction, contact Connie Lefebvre at cnn.lef@gmail.com or text (715) 493-2719, or contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com by Aug. 13. Donated items may be left in the NUUF meeting room and donors need not be present at the auction to donate.
Let’s make this year’s fundraiser a great success!
Internationally acclaimed organist Chelsea Chen will perform Friday, Aug. 4, at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Rhinelander. This is co-sponsored by the Rhinelander Congregational Church and the First Congregational UCC in Eagle River. Chelsea is a graduate of Yale and Juilliard, and serves as organist and artist-in-residence at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and also at Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, N.Y. She divides her time between Florida and NYC when she is not giving concerts nationally and internationally! There will be no admission fee. There will be a freewill offering which will benefit NATH (Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing). This will be an event not to miss and should be a wonderful fundraiser for NATH.
The UU Upper Peninsula Summer Fest Retreat is the weekend of Aug. 5-6 at Bewabic State Park in Iron County, Mich. UUUP has rented the park pavilion and camping is available through the state park office. The retreat is family friendly and will feature games, potlucks, zen meditation and Sunday services with UUs from across the UP. For more information, email Joseph Mold at josephmold@gmail.com.
Our NUUF Community
If you know someone who is interested in joining the Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, please contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com or call 715-892-2997.
Check out our website https://nuuf.com/joomla4. Also take time to "LIKE" us on Facebook. Click here on Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship for direct access if you already have a Facebook account. We're posting pictures, reminders about upcoming events and more.
Hello everyone, I will be compiling the newsletter for the foreseeable future! Please send announcements and updates to me, Carly Ratliff, at carly.j.ratliff@gmail.com or to Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com by Aug. 28 for the September Newsletter. It is very helpful if your copy is written exactly the way you want it to read so that it can be copied and pasted. Thank you!
Item #__________
Saturday, August 19th
2017 Absolutely Audacious Annual Auction
Offer a Meal, Service, an Event, or an Item. Please fill out one offering per page. Thank you!
Name of Donor _________________________________________________________________
Phone Number_______________________________________________________
Email Address________________________________________________________
Meal/Event/Item Title____________________________________________________________
Maximum number of people included (besides your family)_________________
Children Included? Yes________ No________
Minimum Bid (if you want) ________________________________ (per person)
Date of Meal or Event_______________________ Bad weather date_____________________
Description of the Meal, Event, or Item _____________________________________________
Return Form in person, or phone, or email
by August 13th
to: Connie Lefebvre cnn.lef@gmail.com or 715-497-2719
Judi Maloney jmaloney@frontier.com