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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods

Volume 15, Number 2 – August 2013


We Are a Welcoming Congregation


Upcoming Services

Services are on alternate Sundays at 10 AM

August 11: Denise Tracy The Art of Possibility

August 25: Linda Ware, Professor Emerita, UW Marathon County: Of Measurement and Magic: Mapping the World 


Adult R.E.

Adult RE is on alternate Sundays at 10 AM

08-04 Montaigne and Pascal--Evil and the Self
Milton--Epic Evil

08-18 The Enlightenment and its Discontents
Kant--Evil at the Root of Human Agency

Book Group: This past year, N.U.U.F.'s book group read Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow:  Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.  It was a powerful book.  So much so that the area's AAUW has chosen it as one title for their upcoming reading year.  Barb Logan will lead those AAUW discussions.  ("Yeah, Barb! Way to go!!")  

Members from last year's book group may expect that after services, Sept. 8, Rich Uspel will be tapping shoulders to ask, in a friendly way, "What are your ideas for the book group this winter?"  (Yes, friends, it is considered "friendly" to ask about winter as summer begins to come to a close---this is Wisconsin!  Let's get real!) New book group members are always welcome. For more information, contact Rich Uspel.

    • From our Facebook Page: " Dear Friends at Northwoods UU Fellowship, I hope this finds you in the best of health and spirits. Thank you for all you do to positively transform our culture and world. Truly.
    • I am a new UU author. I am a doula. I hold space for women as they give birth. I am also a hospital chaplain. I hold space for the dying. Very few do both. There are very few doulas who also work at the other bookend of life and vice/versa. I am unique in this way. I am drawn to life's thresholds. I am drawn to these doorways.
    • My first book "Birth, Breath, and Death-- Meditations on Motherhood, Chaplaincy, and Life as a Doula" was published three months ago. It's available in print and on Kindle via Amazon at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BUE242M. I'm happy to note that an excerpt from my book will be featured in the upcoming issue of UUWorld. My story will resonate with your community. I hope you take the time to read "Birth, Breath, and Death". Peace, Amy"

      You can read her full post at our Facebook page.

Arts in Our Community

The Festival Aurora Borealis Chorus concert will be Tuesday, August 6, at 7 PM to the Campanile Center. Members of the chorus include Patty Buehler and Tom Sommerfeld. The concert is unique in that all the rehearsals happen in one week!

Elinore Sommerfeld will be showing her work at the Presque Isle Art Show on Sunday, August 18.

Please let me know if you are showing work, appearing in a performance, have literature/poetry to share. Elinore

Message from the President:

It was wonderful to see the turnout for church last Sunday. According to our greeters, there were 85 people there! And, most people stayed around for the potluck. (Thank you Mary Ann, for organizing that.) The potlucks provide us a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other and strengthen our fellowship. We should probably do more of them. But, we might have to build an addition to the church to handle the crowds!

We will be holding a mini-retreat for board members and committee chairs sometime in late August/early September. The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify responsibilities and procedures and to improve our working relationship. If anyone else would like to attend, please contact me.

Pat Bickner has informed me that she must step down as chair of the Publicity Committee. Her work, town-supervising, school, and family responsibilities mean that she can’t devote the time to the NUUF that she would like. If any of you are interested in working on the Publicity Committee, please let me know. We need you! And thanks Pat, for the work you’ve done. You did a wonderful job!

I hope that you are all enjoying summer in the Northwoods!


"Like" us--Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship--on Facebook. We're posting pictures, reminders about upcoming events and more.


Nancy and Perry Junkermann 08-01

Elinore Sommerfeld 08-02

Janice Reed 08-04

Susan Knight 08-04

Jim Hall 08-05

Joan Hauer 08-07

Candace Zahn Cain 08-07

Jeanne & Rev. Bob Reed 08-11

Cindy and Jim Rusak 08-12

Jerry Woolpy 08-14

Rev. Robert Reed 08-15

David Foster 08-17

Mary Rusak 08-18

Jack & Joan Hafner 08-18

Jeanne Reed 08-24

Eliot Frost 08-26

Jim and Sue Ferguson 08-28

Dawn McCusker 08-29

Suzy and David Foster 08-31


Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

P.O. Box 1881

Woodruff, WI 54568-1881


John Viste, President


The NUUSLetter is published monthly. Newsletter Deadline: the 27th of the month. Please send submissions to Elinore Sommerfeld at esommerf@aol.com.

For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com.